Appeal Withdrawn, Old Saltbox Demolished

An appeal to overturn a permit to demolish an old saltbox home at 41 Main Street was withdrawn on August 10 and accepted by the Marion Zoning Board of Appeals on August 24. The house has now been demolished.

Robert Darnton, member of the Sippican Historical Society Board of Directors and abutter of the saltbox known as the Captain Hammond home, filed the application for the appeal with the Marion ZBA on July 25, seeking relief from the planned destruction of the house built in 1802 and referring to the razing of the house and the construction of a new two-family house as “a detriment to the character of the neighborhood.”

Building Inspector Scott Shippey explained on August 24 that he had issued the demolition permit to developer Michael Russo to take down the older home and issued a building permit for a new two-family home.

This prompted some members of the Sippican Historical Society to explore options for proposing a new demolition bylaw for homes built on or before 1925, which would grant the Historical Society a number of days to review the history of the building for historic significance, Shippey also explained.

However, in a letter addressed to the ZBA dated August 10, Darnton requested to withdraw his appeal, with prejudice, against the demolition of the house after what Darnton called an “amicable agreement” was reached between the Historical Society and Russo, the developer.

Withdrawing with prejudice means the matter cannot again be appealed in the future.

“[Russo] agreed to modify his design for the rebuilt house in a way that will preserve the historic look of Main Street,” wrote Darnton. “… [H]e will restore and/or build the façade so that it replicates the current façade.”

In his letter, Darnton requested the return of his $300 deposit, which the board denied.

“He’s not getting that deposit back,” said ZBA Chairman Marc LeBlanc. “It has already been advertised and that money has already been spent.”

There is no future meeting scheduled for the Marion Zoning Board of Appeals at this time.

By Jean Perry


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