New Facilities Director at ORR

A little more than two months after Steve Murphy stepped down as Facilities Director of Old Rochester Regional School District, the administration has announced his replacement: Eugene Jones.

The position has experienced some limbo in recent years, as Murphy abruptly resigned with less than two years on the job, and Murphy himself had replaced Stephen Shiraka – who had passed away in November 2009 – after the position had been vacant for six months.

Jones is leaving behind his position as Facilities and Maintenance Manager of Freetown Elementary School, where he assisted with restructuring the building and grounds following the regionalization of the Freetown and Lakeville school districts. Prior to that, he served as Maintenance Director for Tiverton Public Schools, and also served for 31 years in the U.S. Navy. Jones earned his B.A. in History from the UMass Dartmouth.

Superintendent Doug White said with the steep responsibilities required to maintain and secure the facilities of ORR District’s six buildings, Jones’ background fits the bill.

“His vast experience not only in the Navy, but at Tiverton and Freetown, will be beneficial,” White said.

A press release announcing his hire elaborated: “[H]e has a collaborative leadership style that will be instrumental as he works with the many stakeholders in the four districts.” Also, the statement cited his experience in budget preparation, group purchasing of supplies/utilities, supervision and evaluation of personnel, federal, state, and local inspection regulations, and HVAC systems as crucial assets he is bringing to the job.

Jones officially assumed his new role at the district on June 4.

By Laura Fedak Pedulli

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