2002 Ford Taurus SE Sedan $1200 617-721-6418 |
All Phase Drywall Drywall installation and finishing New construction, Rehabs, patch work, popcorn/ texture ceiling removal / wall paper removal! phone: 774-271-1987 website: Allphasedrywallllc.com |
ARBOR TECH SERVICES Professional Tree Service Fine Pruning, Tree Removal, Crane Services, Cabling, Tree and Shrub Planting, Stump Grinding, and Storm Cleanup. 10+ Years of Experience and Knowledge. Perfect time of year for Fruit Tree Pruning! Free Estimates! Mention this AD for 10% off jobs! (Valid through 2/28) Call Raphael at 508-209-1777. |
Beautiful views from this 3 bedroom waterfront home on Crescent Beach, Mattapoisett. 7/5-7/26 and 8/23-9/6 . Call Rob 617-212-7445 |
Blinstrub's Painting, Finishing & Remodeling drywall repairs, bathroom remodels, flooring, decks, pergolas 508-951-5160 blinstrubs@gmail.com |
-Brandon's Tree Service & Landscaping- - Professional Tree Trimming and Removals - - 50' Bucket Truck, 15+ Years Experience - - Bobcat Service, Full Landscaping - -Land Clearing, Lawn Mowing, Power Washing- -Thorough Yard Cleanups, Mulching - - Stone Walls, Patios - FULLY INSURED - - Firewood, Snow Plowing Estimates - -Work year round- Call Jeff at 774-992-9626 |
Caring PCA with many years of experience to care for your loved ones. Can help with basic needs to all aspects of health care needs. Call Tammy @508-951-3091 |
Cleaning By Solange Reliable, trustworthy professional with references and fully insured. Our services include: daily, weekly, monthly, or one time cleaning. Please call (774) 360-1975 our visit our website https://www.solangedkleaner.com |
Demers Construction Company Licensed and Insured General Contractor New Construction - Remodeling - Additions Siding - Windows - Kitchens - Decks Nathan@DemersCC.com View our work at DemersCC.com or Facebook.com/DemersCC Give us a call for a free estimate! 774.849.2325 |
Depot Road Painting Interior or Exterior -36 yrs experience references avaliable call (508) 563-6563 |
DUMP RUNS and MORE Any cleanup, yards, houses, attics, apts, etc. Oil tank and boiler removal call Cliff 508-472-8539 |
Experienced home & office cleaning. Affordable, top to bottom cleaning and more! Free estimates and references Call Deb 7743271106 |
For Sale: 10,000 watt generac portable gasoline generator. Electric start, well maintained, included cover, transfer cable and switch box. Whole house coverage. $1000. John 508-717-4020 |
For Sale: ladder built for Matt. skiff wharf $25 Multipurpose utility cart, black plastic, 41" tall, 3 shelves & outlets, $20; Attn.Gamers: Daewoo DVQ-19HIFC 19" CRT/VHS combo $15 508-758-9435 |
For Sale: Large amount of painting equipment 6 extension ladders - many paint brushes and more. 857-258-6593 |
FOR SALE: 4 lb. Traditional Fluke Anchor, like new $10 Frigidaire air conditioner for a 150 sq. ft (10'x15') room, 5,000BTU, 40 lbs, works well. Model FRA052XT7 $15 508-758-9435 |
Girl twin headboard with scalloping, finials, like new, $10; Sarah's Silks Play Canopy: Rose Garden, $15; Ikea Mammut kids rectangular table & chair, $15; natural wood 2-story dollhouse with red roof, sliding door, windows, includes wooden dolls, furniture $20; misc. toys. 508-758-9435 |
Heat Your Home with an Outdoor Wood Boiler www.lakevillewoodboilers.com Call for details 508-923-1014 |
House Cleaning 15+ yrs experience - Refresh your home or summer home! Priscilla 718-607-8046 |
Interior Painting Average size room, 2 coats on walls, $300 Excellent Tri-town references! 508-728-4386 |
KW Powerwash Free Estimates Book now! 508-997-2892 |
MASON offers Quality Work at Reasonable Prices Chimneys, Steps, Walkways, Stonewalls, Stone Veneers, etc. New or Restoration. Chimney Cleaning Local. Joe Fleurent 508-858-9875 |
MASSTREESERVICE.COM Pruning & removal. Aerial bucket truck service. Insured, references & free estimates 508-972-1143 |
MELINDA EATON DRAPERY WORKROOM custom home interiors blinds, shades, drapes, shutters, cushions 508-758-9404 or email melindaeatondrapery@gmail.com www.eatondrapery.com |
MICHELLE GORDON PIANO STUDIO Creative - Fun - Challenging - Inspiring Experienced, Qualified Teacher For students of all ages 508-758-3158 mgordonpiano@gmail.com |
MIKE'S APPLIANCE - Sales and Service - Experienced with all brands. Also available evenings, weekends and holidays. Call Mike Healy at (508) 748-2557 |
Nardi Electric LLC Local Electrician for all projects and repairs. Kitchen/bath remodels, service upgrades, generators, lighting, EV chargers Check us out on FB and NardiElectricLLC.com Call Zach 508-317-5800 |
Old, worn kitchen cabinets? Consider painting them instead of replacement! Call me to see how this could be an option for you. 508-728-4386 |
Perkins Quality Construction General Contractor-Additions & Remodeling Windows-Siding-Trim-Decks-Repairs Fully Licensed & Insured - Call Andy Marion MA 774-929-0008 Email: Andy@perkinsconstructionma.com |
Remo Drummers Practice Pad Set $125 857-258-6593 |
Resende Anastacia Housecleaning/Office Great references! Call 774-540-0846 and leave me a message anastaciaresendes26@gmail.com |
South Coast Hi-Fi Vintage Stereo Repair and Restoration Receivers, amplifiers, turntables, etc. Jason 508-241-4745 jpwilmot76@yahoo.com |
SOUTH COAST TREE REMOVAL We Cut, Trim & Remove Trees Fully Insured, Call For Free Estimate. (508)985-8205 |
Spring Cleaners Home * Office * Rentals Spring cleaning all year round! Call Samantha 508-245-9806 |
Trucks & car$ wanted Same day removal - foreign & domestic 508-642-9128 |
WANTED DEAD or ALIVE! cars, trucks, farm equipment, construction equipment & tools Louie: 508-951-1374 |
WANTED junk cars & trucks for salvage & parts. Paying cash. Free pickup. Heavy equipment. 508-763-4185 cell 508-524-3741 DM Auto |
Waterfront Vacation Rental on Buzzards Bay 3-bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood featuring 270 degree ocean views, onsite parking, washer/dryer in house, cable & wifi, and a fully equipped kitchen. For booking or more info contact dave@mattboat.com or 508-728-5288 |
YOUR HANDYMEN Clean outs, dump runs, demolition, interior/exterior, dump truck service, pressure washing & more. Insured 774-762-0016 |