Candidates’ Night

To the Editor:

The MMR League of Women Voters wishes to thank all the Marion residents who made Candidates’ Night a huge success.

Staged in the Music Hall last Wednesday evening, 130 Marion voters turned out to learn about the views of the candidates for three contested positions. There were two contestants for Selectman, four for three openings on the Planning Board, and three for two positions on the Marion School Committee. All candidates, including those who are running uncontested, deserve our heartfelt thanks for stepping up to participate in town government. Thanks also go to the volunteers who organized the evening, and particularly to Susan Grosart for serving as moderator. Further, we wish to thank members of the press and ORCTV for taping the evening. Voters who were unable to come to Candidates’ Night may watch the presentations of all contested candidates on ORCTV from now until the town election.

Please be an active voter and go to the polls on Friday, May 16 between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the VFW Hall on Route 6.

Tinker Saltonstall and Nan Johnson for the League

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