Town to Seek County Road Reclassification

The Rochester Board of Selectmen on January 11 voted to authorize Town Administrator Michael McCue to further work with town officials of Marion and Wareham towards a reclassification of County Road to a federal “urban connector” to be eligible for federal funding for repairs and upgrades.

McCue said he met with representatives of the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) as well as Marion and Wareham selectmen on January 6. The results of SRPEDD’s traffic study of County Road, he said, showed a traffic flow high enough to warrant a possible reclassification of the road.

Although the idea is to have the road classified as an urban connector, McCue said the federal government is not seeking to add further roads under its oversight without potentially taking out other roads.

SRPEDD suggested several roads in the three towns, McCue said, to downgrade from urban connectors to urban local roads. Only one in Rochester would fall under that possibility – a less than 1-mile stretch of road on Walnut Plain Road between Mary’s Pond Road and Marion Road (Route 105) that is currently classified as an urban connector. Selectmen found this classification peculiar, if not plain weird.

“Urban connector … for deer,” Board of Selectmen Chairman Richard Nunes commented.

Furthermore, the town had never seen any reimbursement for it, as far as McCue was concerned.

Too bad we already paved it, was Selectman Brad Morse’s comment.

Selectman Naida Parker made the motion to allow McCue to continue to investigate the matter, and the selectmen voted unanimously.

In other matters, McCue said the town is actively exploring avenues for a possible acquisition of the old ‘airport’ property on Marion Road.

McCue said he is in contact with Conservation Agent Laurell Farinon seeking viable ways to acquire the land, although no concrete action has yet been taken.

Also during the meeting, the board nominated and appointed Parker as the Board of Selectmen representative to personnel matters, including personnel reviews and position adjustments relative to the Personnel Board.

McCue also asked selectmen for permission to look into the grant opportunity of several surrounding towns, including Marion, to study the feasibility of a regional wastewater treatment system. McCue said adding sewer service to parts of Cranberry Highway where development is encouraged would further benefit business, and thus the town.

“I just think it makes sense to just look at it,” said McCue.

Selectmen also commented on Marion Selectman Jonathan Henry’s recent decision to not seek reelection in 2016.

“I found him to really be really well grounded,” said McCue. “I was actually very surprised when I heard that.”

“He’s always been a good, sane voice,” said Parker.

The next meeting of the Rochester Board of Selectmen is scheduled for January 25 at 6:30 pm at the Rochester Town Hall.

By Jean Perry


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