Septic Upgrade Discussed at Marion ConCom

An upgrade to a septic system at 128 Indian Cove Road was discussed at the Marion Conservation Commission meeting on Wednesday evening. The applicant was Aucoot Cove Properties, LLC, located at 128 Indian Cove Road.  At issue is an ‘L’ shaped lot with three existing buildings.  The applicant was represented by Dave Davignon of Doug Schneider & Associates.  Currently the applicant has a three bedroom cottage, a workshop and an office space on the property whose septic runs into a leaching field.

The applicant proposed to upgrade the system to a 2,000 gallon septic system with a 1500 gallon pump chamber.   With the addition of a new septic tank, the old tank and leaching field would be pumped dry and filled in.  One board member noted that the site is in a velocity zone and the board agreed to close the hearing and take the issue under advisement.

Next up was a public hearing on a request for determination of applicability submitted by Greenwood Hartley to construct a 16’ by 18’ addition with a 6’ by 18’ deck to the dwelling at 19 Quelle Lane.

Bruce Rocha of Fisher and Rocha represented the applicant, along with Mr. “Woody” Hartley.  The work, according to Rocha, is a relocation of a bedroom.  A new foundation would be built.  Committee members who did a prior site visit noted that some clearing had been done on the property, which is not permitted in a buffer zone and near a wetland line.  The committee agreed that they needed to see an engineering stamp on the plans and that no additional clearing be done on the property.

The board’s next appointment was for a Request for Determination of Applicability submitted by Amy Anthony to construct a 488 square foot one-bedroom addition to the northerly end of the dwelling at 91 Piney Point Road. The applicant was represented by Dave Davignon of Doug Schneider & Associates.  Currently, the home has a septic system designed for a five bedroom home, but currently has four bedrooms.  The applicant proposed a one story wing bedroom with a crawl space underneath.  Because of the tight nature of the lot, access for construction would be to go behind the garage to get to the site.  The plan also merges two patios on the property into one unit.

A hearing with Diane Bondi-Pickles, of 29 Cove Street was postponed until March 27, at 7 pm to discuss a Request for Determination of Applicability to add and grade approximately 155 cubic yards of fill to a low area to the site.

By Joan Hartnett-Barry

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