Improvement Plan for Marion Discussed

A discussion involving the Capital Improvement Planning Committee (CIPC) in Marion dominated the discussion at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Tuesday evening.

“With three years of experience, the CIPC has learned and come up with a number of lessons and observations and has recommendations that we feel should be discussed and want decisions to be made,” said Norm Hills at the meeting.

Both Carol Sans and Norm Hills spoke and asked the board to consider their recommendations regarding initiatives and goals set by the Capital Improvement Planning Committee for the future.

At issue was the process related to applications which need to be sent to the town Capital Improvement Committee for consideration way before the deadline for town meeting approval.

“We want to look at five years out,” said CIPC board member Norm Hills. “We need to do some long-range thinking here,” he said.

Mr. Hills said that the process for town meeting agendas needs to be followed, so if an application isn’t sent to the Capital Improvement Committee before the deadline for town meeting, it won’t be on the warrant.

Norm Hills spoke and said that all the town boards and Selectmen need to work together to find solutions to town issues and problems.

In other business, the board approved a water abatement at 14 Wianno Road and disapproved a request at 16 Vine Street.

A letter was read thanking the Marion Fire Department for their response to a suspected fire at 51 Parkway Lane. “We want to thank the Marion Fire Department for their quick response,” wrote Jeff and Nancy Oakes.

The board also discussed a letter from Todd Zell regarding the closure of the Wave Restaurant from December 23 to March 1, 2014 for kitchen renovations.

The board closed the meeting to enter executive session for the purposes of negotiation with non-union personnel, to discuss strategy with respect to litigation, and to consider the purchase of interest in real property.

By Joan Hartnett-Barry


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