Register to Vote

October 19 is the last day to register to vote in the 2016 national election. The League of Women Voters urges all citizens, 18 years of age or older, to exercise their right to participate in the important decisions facing our nation this year. If you have not voted before, registration is easy and can take place at your Town Hall, by mail or online. Full information can be found online at or from the Registrar of Voters in your community.

If you have changed your address since the last time you voted, you must make that correction by October 19 as well, and can do so using the same means as above. This re-registration is especially important on Election Day since you will be asked to identify yourself at the polls by your address first, then your name. This is a new procedure and one that has proven to be more efficient for the poll workers and thus a time-saver for you.

Finally, if you wish to enroll as an unaffiliated – formerly independent – voter (no specific political party), you should check the No Party box on the registration form.

As the League has said for many years, “Democracy is not a spectator sport,” so be sure you are registered and prepared to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8.

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