Mattapoisett Land Trust Autumn Trail Walk

For the past several years, the Land Trust has worked to improve the trail system in the Old Aucoot area of Mattapoisett. The MLT would like to invite the public to explore the trail network through a guided walk on Saturday, October 12, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The walk will begin at the Friends Meeting House on Marion Road (Route 6), proceed through the Brownell and Martocci Preserves, over the Buckley bridge to Grace Pond and then south to Old Slough Road and Angelica Avenue. Transportation will be provided back to the Meeting House for those not wishing to walk back. Refreshments will also be provided.

All interested walkers should meet at the Friends Meeting House at 2:00 pm. Although this is a relatively dry time of year, the MLT suggests that walkers dress appropriately for a walk in a wooded wetland: long sleeves and long pants with waterproof shoes are recommended. For more information call 508-758-7849, or email

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