Low Funds Could Extinguish Fireworks Tradition

There were no fireworks last Fourth of July in Marion, and this year again there may not be any fireworks due to low funds and fewer volunteers.

The town has celebrated Independence Day with fireworks for as long as Fireworks Committee Co-Chair Donna Hemphill can remember. The town had to skip a year back in 2014, but it managed to raise enough money through fundraising efforts and events over the course of two years to celebrate with a sensational fireworks display in the summer of 2015. The town had to skip a year again in 2016, and 2017 is looking like the skies over Silvershell Beach will be unlighted by the sparks of fireworks for a second year in a row.

So far since last year, the committee has only raised $13,000, far from the $50,000 goal needed by the May 15 deadline. Hemphill said what the town really needs are volunteers to step up and assist the committee with some new ideas for fundraising events that will draw in the crowds.

“We used to host big parties, which was great, and people helped, which is fantastic,” said Hemphill, “But now we need as many new people as possible with new ideas to give it a shot. It’s worth a shot.”

At this time, there are no fundraising events planned for this year to raise money for the fireworks.

“You kind of feel like you’re doing the same events over and over every year,” said Hemphill. “Maybe if there’s people that are thinking about volunteering but can’t commit now, maybe they can start fundraising this summer for next year’s fireworks.”

And even if the funds aren’t raised in time for this year, the money in the account will remain and hopefully eventually reach that target $50,000 for another Fourth of July. Hemphill said that money that remains can only be spent for that purpose, so it will sit there in that account until it is transformed into the fireworks display that Marion and the surrounding communities have enjoyed and come to look forward to.

“We’d love new ideas and people to step forward to spearhead a fundraising effort,” Hemphill said. “This is a last-ditch effort. And every little bit helps. There’s no amount too small to us.”

The good news, though, is the Fourth of July parade will go on as usual.

“We might not have fireworks, but we’ll still have the parade, bigger and better than ever,” said Hemphill.

Anyone interested in leading fundraising efforts should contact the Marion Recreation Department at 774-217-8355 or fireworks@marionrecreation.com.

If you and your family have come to Silvershell Beach for the fireworks in the past, the committee asks you to please consider donating so that they can continue this tradition.

“Maybe, hopefully, somebody has this grand idea for fundraising that we’ve never thought of before,” said Hemphill.

Donations may be mailed to the Marion Fireworks Committee, 13 Atlantis Drive, Marion, Massachusetts, 02738. All amounts are welcome and are tax deductible.

By Jean Perry


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