Thanksgiving in Rochester

The First Congregational Church of Rochester invites those who want to share Thanksgiving with others to dinner on November 24 at 1:00 pm. If you are single and have no family or you have a small family to share with, and you desire fellowship, our church family invites you to our dinner. We are offering a traditional Thanksgiving Buffet.

Our goal is to bring people together who may not have any or little family in the area. This will be a relaxing and enjoyable event promoting community fellowship. All are welcome to attend; there will be no charge for this day of celebrating thanks.

We hope to make this Thanksgiving a memorable and happy day for those who may otherwise have stayed home alone. Remember, there are no strangers here – just friends and friends you may have not yet met! Consider yourself welcome to share this special American Holiday!

For your free tickets, contact the church office at 508-763-4314.

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