ORCTV 2014 Annual Meeting

Old Rochester Community Television will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, March 22 at 1 PM at the ORCTV Studio located at 345 Front St. in Marion. This meeting will include the election of officers to the Board of Directors.

The nominees are: Mike Parker – Membership Seat; Jay Pateakos – Marion; Bunny Mogilnicki- Rochester; Mike Botelho -Mattapoisett

All current Old Rochester Community Television members are encouraged to participate in this event. If you are a current member who needs to renew their membership or would like to become a new member, the membership fee is $5 per person or $5 per family. Area not for profit organizations may also become members for a fee of $5. Tri-Town seniors can become ORCTV members for a fee of $1 and the membership fee for area businesses is $75 per year.

One note to our current members, if you signed up prior to Jan. 1 2014 your membership must be renewed at this time. Annual membership to ORCTV runs concurrent with the calendar year – January through December.

Thank you and we are looking forward to meeting with all of you on March 22.

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