Nasketucket Bird Club

The Nasketucket Bird Club will be hosting a program about “Shorebird Migration and Conservation.” Brad Winn will talk about how the rapidly evolving tracking technology is helping us understand the habitat needs of individual long-distance migrant shorebirds. The conservation community is gaining new insight into hemispheric sites of importance and uncovering regional threats for shorebirds, leading to the geographic prioritization of conservation activity. Brad, a life-long naturalist, is currently Director of Shorebird Habitat Management at the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences.

The event will be held at 7:00 pm on Thursday, January 28 at the Mattapoisett Public Library, 7 Barstow Street. The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Carolyn Longworth at or visit the club website at

3 Responses to “Nasketucket Bird Club”

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  1. Jim Ozier says:

    I wish I could be there for this presentation. Mr Winn is a true authority in his field and a talented speaker. He might even sing a couple of tunes if you plead firmly!

  2. Bob Sargent says:

    I echo Mr. Ozier’s comment about the liquid eloquence and astonishing knowledge of this speaker. I had no idea he can sing, but when I last saw one of his presentations I must say that the audience was awed by his imitation of a crane mating dance. Do encourage him to repeat it!

  3. Tim Keyes says:

    I agree on both fronts. Great biologist and great singer. I found this clip of Brad singing one of his favorites.

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