MPOA Charity Golf Tournament

Mattapoisett Police Officer’s Association will hold a Charity Golf Tournament at the Allendale Country Club, 1047 Allen St. Dartmouth, September 25 at 8:30 am, Shotgun Start (Rain Date: September 28).

Entry price is $125 per person, $500 foursome. Entry deadline is September 18. Registration fee includes 18 holes of traditional scramble golf format, golf cart fee, awards lunch, gift bag, and T-shirt.

Prizes awarded for winning team, longest drive, closest to the pin. In addition, there will be raffle prizes and a chance to win 2015 GMC automobile for Hole-In-One Contest.

All proceeds benefit local charities and community-sponsored events.

For registration forms and online registration, visit

For sponsorship opportunities and donations, contact Turner Ryan at or 508-525-2531.

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