Boys and Girls State

Six members of the class of 2017 at Old Rochester Regional High School will be attending the Boys/Girls State Convention sponsored by the American Legion’s Florence Eastman Post 280, June 17-23, 2017 at Stonehill College in North Easton, MA.

Lawrence DiCara, Esquire, will be sponsoring Evan Costa in memory of George S. White, Rachel Demmer in honor of Geraldine DeCosta, and Nicholas Claudio. Sam Pasquill will be sponsored by the Machacam Club in memory of George S. White. In addition, the Mattapoisett Lions Club will be sponsoring Ainslee Bangs and Jacob Asiaf.

To be eligible for Boys/Girls State, a student must be a member of the junior class who has achieved high academic success. Delegates must also show evidence of leadership ability and an interest in the democratic process. At the convention, delegates will study local and state government. They will establish and operate their own cities and towns and state government in miniature. This will include forming two political parties, holding conventions, nominating candidates, conducting campaigns, and electing officials. The primary goal of Boys/Girls State is for attendees to develop a better understanding of how State Government functions.

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