Academic Achievements

The following students have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire for the fall 2021 semester:

Stephanie Dondyk of Marion (Honors)

Quintin Palmer of Marion (High Honors)

Lauren Pina of Marion (Highest Honors)

Steven Carvalho of Mattapoisett (High Honors)

Serena O’Connell of Mattapoisett (Highest Honors)

Abigail Stark of Mattapoisett (Highest Honors)

William Stark of Mattapoisett (Highest Honors)

Jason Gamache of Mattapoisett (Highest Honors)

Caitlyn King of Mattapoisett (High Honors)

Kyah Woodland of Rochester (Highest Honors)

Carly Demanche of Rochester (High Honors)

Aidan Thayer of Rochester (Highest Honors)

Stephen Marston of Rochester (Highest Honors)

            A total of 2,054 undergraduate students achieved the criteria required for WPI’s Fall 2021 Dean’s List. The criteria for the WPI Dean’s List differs from that of most other universities as WPI does not compute a grade point average (GPA.) Instead, WPI defines the Dean’s List by the amount of work completed at the A level in courses and projects. The following students are Dean’s List recipients:

Rachel Foye of Rochester, class of 2025, majoring in Data Science (BS)

Michaela Mattson of Marion, class of 2023, majoring in Biomedical Engineering (BS)

Alexandria Sheehan of Marion, class of 2025, majoring in Economic Science (BS)

Paige Sommers of Rochester, class of 2025, majoring in Biomedical Engineering (BS)

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