Academic Achievements

Johnson and Wales University (JWU) student, Jacob Asiaf of Mattapoisett, a Business Management major in the College of Business, has been named to the dean’s list for the Spring 2020 term. To receive dean’s list commendation, students must achieve a term grade point average (GPA) of at 3.40 or above while also earning a minimum of 12 or more credit hours. Asiaf, a sophomore, is the son of Derek and Victoria Asiaf and a 2018 graduate of Old Rochester Regional.

            John Breault of Mattapoisett was named to the Spring 2020 University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s List. During this term, John was majoring in Psychology. This accomplishment is a sign of John’s hard work and commitment to learning.

            Adam Sylvia, a Central College student from Rochester, has been named to the dean’s list for the Spring 2020 semester. The honor is awarded to full-time students who achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher on a 4.0 scale while taking 12 or more graded credit hours for the semester.

            Victor Morrison of Rochester graduated from Emerson College in December 2019 and received a BA degree in Writing, Lit and Pub: Publishing.

            Western New England University is pleased to announce that Sienna Wurl of Mattapoisett has been named to the President’s List for the Spring Semester 2020. Wurl is one of over 700 students to achieve this mark of academic excellence. Students are named to the President’s List for achieving a semester grade point average of 3.80 or higher. Wurl is pursuing a BS in Pharmacy Studies.

            On Sunday, May 10, Emerson College awarded 959 undergraduate degrees for the Class of 2020 including:

            Samantha Babineau of Rochester received a BS degree in Communication Disorders.

            Kyle Costa of Rochester received a BA degree in Media Arts Production.

            Western New England University is pleased to announce that Allison Kvilhaug, of Mattapoisett has been named to the Spring Semester 2020 Dean’s List. Students are named to the Dean’s List for achieving a semester grade point average of 3.30 or higher. Kvilhaug is pursuing a BS in Actuarial Science.

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