
To the Editor;

            As I write this during the holiday season, I have so much to be thankful for.

            The last few months have had their peaks and valleys, but October 3 will long live in the hearts of the Hathaway family. That is the day I finally completed my 32-year, 24,901-mile “hike around the world.”

            The Mattapoisett Land Trust organized a fundraising celebration of that final mile. I thank all of those members who made it a day to remember.

            I thank the more than 100 donors, some of them anonymous, who contributed $9,254 to the Trust to help protect land in the Old Aucoot District, where I walked most of those miles.

            Thank you to the selectmen for their framed citation of appreciation, those who walked with me or greeted me along the way, the sign makers— many of them children, those who sent cards or made telephone calls, the local, regional, national, and worldwide press (including TV in the United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, and India), the First Citizens Federal Credit Union for its support, and the bagpiper who joined the line of march at Harbor Beach.

            Thank you all. My family and I will be forever grateful.

Brad Hathaway and family

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