Mattapoisett Fire Station

To the Editor

            This is to follow up on my letters regarding the sale of the Mattapoisett Fire Station under RFP#22-26.

            I attended and spoke during the Town of Mattapoisett Board of Appeals hearing on February 16, 2024 to protest the issuance of a Special Permit.

            I was the original winning bidder to the RFP# 22-26 put out by the Town of Mattapoisett, which I proposed a village grocery and offered a sum of $650K.

            The Town of Mattapoisett then failed to abide by the dates contained in the RFP and failed to give me a Purchase Agreement in a timely manner. The Town Attorney then added terms to the purchase agreement not contained in the RFP including terms which would prevent financing of the project as proposed.

            The Town then ignored my requests to resolve the issues and awarded the RFP to the second bidder for the amount which I believe is $325K to the Town of Mattapoisett Taxpayers. Which if correct is also $125K less than the RFP’s suggested minimum bid.

            The Town has breached their fiduciary duty to the taxpayers with this bad faith award of the RFP for the firehouse property.

            I am of the opinion that the people of Mattapoisett deserve far better treatment than what was shown in this joke of a real estate deal and that there is significant evidence within the RFP document, the various Sale Agreements, as well as minutes from the hearing to affect significant personnel change in Town Hall as well as with their Council.

            Here is to anyone with courage and the willingness to stand for honest office for new Mattapoisett Town Governance.


Michael Sudofsky

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