Citizens United

To the Editor;

            January 21, 2022 marks 12 years since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision gave constitutional rights to artificial entities, such as corporations.

            Citizens United, the PAC, was founded in 1988 by Floyd Brown, a longtime Washington political consultant, with major funding from longtime industrialists the Koch brothers. The group promoted corporate interests, socially conservative causes and candidates who supported their main goals of limited government and freedom of enterprise. In 2009, it sued the Federal Election Commission (FEC) which resulted in eliminating some restrictions on how corporations can spend money in elections. The 2010 5 to 4 decision was based on two absurd notions:

            – Artificial incorporated entities are entitled to the same Constitutional rights as real people, and

            – Political spending is equivalent to free speech.

            With our elections now awash in money, Congress passes laws that favor wealthy campaign contributors. And with their newfound Constitutional rights, large corporations use the courts to nullify democratically-enacted laws they find inconvenient.

            Only a Constitutional amendment can overturn flawed Supreme Court decisions which, in this case, prevents political equality for real people, rich and poor alike. Fortunately, such an amendment proposal has already been introduced in Congress: the “We the People Amendment.” (HJR.48.) Please encourage your elected Representative in Congress to continue supporting HJR.48 and your Senator to cosponsor HJR.48 once it gets to the Senate.

Jack W. Dean, Mattapoisett

                  The views expressed in the “Letters to the Editor” column are not necessarily those of The Wanderer, its staff or advertisers. The Wanderer will gladly accept any and all correspondence relating to timely and pertinent issues in the great Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester area, provided they include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification. We cannot publish anonymous, unsigned or unconfirmed submissions. The Wanderer reserves the right to edit, condense and otherwise alter submissions for purposes of clarity and/or spacing considerations. The Wanderer may choose to not run letters that thank businesses, and The Wanderer has the right to edit letters to omit business names. The Wanderer also reserves the right to deny publication of any submitted correspondence.

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