Black Lives Matter

To the Editor:

            I am concerned that many White people support the BLM organization without having done any research into exactly what their goals are. I am not talking about the “black lives matter” slogan, but the BLM organization. I urge you to go to the BLM website to learn about their platform. A primary red flag for me is that they state that “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

            I believe that the two greatest problems in the Black community today are fatherless homes and lack of quality education in so many schools. If BLM cared about Black people would it not make sense for them to take a stand against Black on Black crime in cities like Chicago and Baltimore, where decent families are held hostage to the criminal element? Wouldn’t they fight for better education for Black children, which would positively affect every citizen?

            Does BLM really care about Black people or has BLM hijacked the civil rights movement to become a front for something far more sinister? Are the violent protests really about Black people and racism? BLM founders, openly state that they are trained Marxists. Is that why the real needs of Black people are being ignored, so that the behind the scenes agenda can advance? 

            Yes, please take a stand against racism. Read, educate and self examine, but please do not let White guilt so blind you that you are either silent or behave like lemmings.  

Barbara Sullivan, Marion

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