Winter Members’ Show Par Excellence

            The jewel in the crown for the seaside community of Marion is the Marion Art Center. Over the years the center has striven to provide the region with a place to study art in all its forms and, for visual artists, a place to show their works of art. But at no time in recent history has the center been more vibrant, more expressive, more excellent than it is at this moment as evidenced in the 2022 Winter Members’ Show.

            On January 14, the show’s opening reception was held virtually. With the on-site assistance of Heather Corrigan, visitors were able to “see” the show entries and learn a bit about the processes used to create stunning works of art. On January 15 during regular gallery hours, we were able to get up close to the works and really experience the pieces in their natural setting – a gallery.

            Upon entering the first-floor gallery, one is immediately drawn into a world of perfect artistic expression. There is a bronze sculpture, a little snowman not unlike those made in front yards by very small children. It stands proudly in the far right corner with an expression that speaks its own language.

There is a table titled Shark Table, made of aluminum and steel, painted a vivid blue and positioned as if ready for a summer picnic. There are small offerings that demonstrate the artists’ ability to bring us outside ourselves and into the world they see.

            But let’s pause here for a moment to consider this: The abundance of visual creative expression this show offers is likely one of the most varied the center has shown thus far.

            There are the expected vibrant pastels and gentle watercolors executed by skilled hands to perfection. There is that playful bronze sculpture, along with photography, giclee, wood carving, a wood-fired ceramic bowl, stained glass, acrylic on silver leaf, acrylic on gold leaf, quilted fiber collages, oil on panel, oil on linen, charcoals, and ink-jet printing. Each and every one of these pieces holds a universe onto itself now shared for all to enjoy.

            On the second floor, the framed pieces are tightly arranged to maximize the available space and to give the artists’ works a place of their own. That is no small task when hanging an art show featuring some 80 works. There are also works on display in the front windows of the Marion General Store.

            This floor of delight is like a small shire to human artistic achievement. Here we find large a canvas with a city skyline, a curious cow, a rower in the mist, crashing waves, a boy in summer mode and complex, heavily textured portraits. Amazing, thrilling, and so very much needed.

            We can thank the Marion Art Center for doing what they do so well, refreshing the art thirst of our wanting souls. But I think we should really thank the artists for sharing their gifts and letting us, if just for a moment, enter their imaginations.

            The artists are: Jen Alexander, Carol Bliven, Ashley Briggs, Sarah Calder, Peggy Call-Conley, Robert Dunn, Jane Egan, Deb Ehrens, Anthi Frangiadis, Donna Gagnon, Barbara Geagan, Thomas Geagan, Christy Gunnels, Barbara Healy, Joanne Hickey, Genevieve Hunt, Helen Johnson, Deborah Kuhlman Hussey, John Kurgan, Michelle Lapointe, Jill Law, Don Ledversis, Charlene Mackiewicz, Deborah Beth Macy, David Maloney, Butch McCarthy, Bunny Mogilnicki, Diana Parsons, Michael Pietragalla, Corinna Raznikov, Jay Ryan, Russell Saunders, Alice Shire, Nat Simkins, Janine Simmons, Nancy Skawinski, Charles Stockbridge, Peter Stone, June Strunk, Sharlie Sudduth, Adrian Tio, Jaye Degnan Tirimacco, Lynnette Torres, Peggy Totten, Patricia White, and Elwin Williamson. Thank you all.

            The MAC’s Winter Members Show is now through February 11 with gallery hours Thursday through Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm or by appointment at 508-758-1266.

By Marilou Newell

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