Water Main Relocation Approved

            The April 15 meeting of the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals was not chockablock full, nor did it feature more than one case. But the case before the ZBA members would be a bit tricky given the L-shaped lot in question with an existing watermain easement running through the middle.

            The variance and special permit application filed by Marc Lareau, 44 Prospect Road, was represented by David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon, & Leone, Inc.

            Davignon began his narrative of the filing, noting that the lot was legally nonconforming and originally laid out in 1913 with an L-shaped configuration consisting of one section measuring 120 feet by 70 feet and the other 90 feet by 60 feet. The property also borders three roadways of which two are paper roads, having never been constructed. Davignon also stated that the public water easement runs through the middle of the property. As such, the applicant sought to move the water service piping, at his expense, and move it to a more conducive location for both the construction of a proposed in-ground swimming pool and the Water department’s service access. Davignon said a bonus to the neighborhood would be the replacement of an 80-year-old water pipe with modern materials.

            Setbacks were also discussed, as it came to light that on one side of the property the pool would be 18 feet closer to one of the paper roads than is allowed. Davignon said it is highly unlikely that the road will ever be built since it would have to be a private way, the costs would be high, and the pool would still be 30 feet from the roadway.

            Davignon also said that he had met with the Water and Sewer Commissioners regarding the possibility of moving the water line, receiving a positive response.

            ZBA member Colby Rottler said, “It makes a lot of sense. I like the idea of replacing an 80-year-old water main; the town benefits and this will benefit the community.”

            The vote was unanimous to grant the variance and special permit.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals was not scheduled upon adjournment.

Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals

By Marilou Newell

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