Trash Talk Continues

The Mattapoisett Planning Board has seen several requests from subdivisions and cluster housing developments for changes to their covenants – changes that would allow those residents to participate in municipal trash collection. To date, the board has approved covenant modifications that would allow the Bay Club, Villages of Mattapoisett, and Brandt Point Village to petition the Board of Health to receive trash collection under the contract the town currently has with ABC Disposal.

The modifications executed by the Planning Board after consultation with town counsel contains language that provides an exit to the modification if the town incurs additional costs by approving trash collection from these special neighborhoods. With all this as the background, resident Paul Osenkowski, a vocal opponent of these changes, brought the subject up again during the February 1 meeting of the Planning Board.

Osenkowski presented the board members with copies of proposed contracts between the Bay Club for $16,900, Village of Mattapoisett for $8,500 and Mattapoisett Landing for $4,700 and ABC Disposal for an upcoming contractual period. He shared his sentiments with the board members that the contracts may represent additional costs to the town by approving covenant modifications. He said, with the limited revenue sources the town had, incurring additional public service costs would drive up residential taxes.

Board member Karen Field responded, “But didn’t we say if it cost more, it would revert back to the subdivisions?” Members Mary Crain and Nathan Ketchel, after reviewing the changes they executed to one of the covenants, concurred that was in fact the case.

“I’m asking the Planning Board to at least look into this, “ Osenkowski asked. The board members agreed to check into the matter further.

Other business handled earlier in the evening was a meeting with engineer Douglas Schneider regarding property owned on Wildwood Terrace. His client, Bruce Rocha, was applying for clarification of lot lines that were established via deeds versus plans of record. The Planning Board moved to accept the clarification.

Tree Warden Roland Cote also came before the board with two requests to remove diseased trees located at the corner of Beacon and Foster Street and at 136 North Street. After producing photographic evidence of the necessity to remove the trees, board members moved to approve the removals. Cote said that the trees would not be felled until the summer due to financial constraints at this time and assured the board that new trees would be planted.

The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for March 7 at 7:00 pm in the town hall conference room.

By Marilou Newell


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