Town Party Beats Forecast

            The August 26 Marion Town Party at Silvershell Beach was a huge success by all available accounts, but the town’s Select Board first needed to hold a brief public meeting on August 23 to approve a Special, One Day Liquor License for ICJ Corp so it could serve alcoholic beverages at the event.

            Executive Assistant Donna Hemphill explained at that meeting that there was a last-minute change in bartenders, necessitating the special meeting of the board for the issuance of the license.

            There had been concern about the weather forecast going into last weekend, but in light of a promising afternoon, as noted by Select Board member Norm Hills, the town remained committed to Saturday as opposed to pushing the event to Sunday.

            “We’ve had that happen in past years as well, and I always find that we have better attendance on a Saturday,” Hemphill told the board.

            “How many times have I not gone fishing and it’s been fine, right?” asked Select Board member Randy Parker, agreeing with the decision to forge ahead on schedule.

            Due to town offices being closed on Labor Day, the next meeting of the Marion Select Board has been pushed to Wednesday, September 6, at 6:00 pm at the Police Station, where the board anticipates two public hearings for applications from Eversource to install an underground conduit and a utility pole.

Marion Select Board

By Mick Colageo

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