Stormwater Issues Bring Addressed at Plumb Corner

            Brian Wallace of J.C. Engineering came before the Rochester Planning Board on Tuesday night for two separate matters: a playground project at the Countryside Daycare Center and to hear peer-review consultant Ken Motta’s newest to-do list for the residential subdivision at Plumb Corner.

            Wallace said the existing playground and roadways would be updated to include safety measures such as crosswalks, speed bumps and traffic-flow signage. He also said that trash dumpsters would be located in one disposal location.

            Wallace asked for several waivers. He said that waivers for landscaping, drainage and parking were unnecessary items for the type of improvements planned for the playground. The site-plan review was continued to April 26.

            Later in the meeting, Wallace faced a list of stormwater-related issues that needed immediate attention. Motta, of Field Engineering, started his commentary by saying of the development team, “They have been proactive and were doing repairs on Friday.”

            At issue are stormwater drainage systems in several locations at the site that failed during heavy downpours. Motta said that drainage basins could not function properly because construction bags, designed to keep sediment from clogging drainage systems, blocked stormwater recharge. Motta said those were changed to filter fabrics.

            Motta also presented a list of corrective measures, such as better erosion controls, erosion controls around the central wetlands system, an articulated stormwater plan and stabilization of exposed soils. The Planning Board moved that Wallace should attend the board’s April 26 meeting with proof of repairs and other directives in place.

            The board also discussed two bylaw articles planned for the Spring Town Meeting. One article is titled Arbor Fund Bylaw and the other is Solar Screening. With the aid of Town Counsel Blair Bailey, the board sought to find language that would clarify who would be mandated to pay fees to the Arbor Fund and for how many removed trees. They also discussed text changes that would mandate where and how solar screening would be required. The articles are now destined for the Select Board’s review.

            The Planning Board made final changes to its decision regarding the construction of a solar array by Renewable Energy LLC planned for 0 Neck Road. Before accepting the final document, Chairman Arnold Johnson said, “We reserve the right for additional screening,” and “a bond must be in place prior to construction.” He further emphasized that solar panels should not be visible from Neck Road.

            Earlier in the evening, a request for an Approval Not Required determination for a minor lot line change at 253 Hartley Road, owned by Robert Lawrence, was approved.

            Continued to the April 26 meeting was the continuation of site-plan review for a proposed cell tower located at 0 High Street and filed by Industrial Tower and Wireless LLC.

            The next meeting of the Rochester Planning Board is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, at 7:00 pm.

Rochester Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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