Sirens to Sound on Veterans Day

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month on the eleventh hour, sirens and church bells will be sounding throughout the Town of Marion.

This Veterans Day, November 11, marks the 100thanniversary of the end of World War I – “The war to end all wars,” Veterans Day Committee member Joe Napoli reminded the Marion Board of Selectmen on October 2.

“I suggest,” said Napoli, “in commemoration of that event that we, the Towns, allow [the police and fire departments] to sound whatever horns and sirens that they have if they’re not engaged in their official duties.”

Napoli, along with fellow Veterans Day Committee member Donna Hemphill, will also approach the churches in Marion to ring their church bells at 11:00 that morning. Napoli also said he would ask police and fire to place cruisers and trucks in various locations across town so the sirens will be heard throughout.

“You have our blessing to proceed,” said Board of Selectmen Chairman Norm Hills.

Marion’s Veterans Day observation will happen on Sunday, November 11, at 11:00 am at Sippican School in the multipurpose room, “and just continue the traditions that the VFW has always done,” added Hemphill.

Also during the meeting, the board approved a Bond Anticipatory Note (BAN) totaling $8,015,000, which includes $5,620,000 that was already borrowed in 2010. Another $2,395,000 was added to this BAN to combine them all and refinance the prior BAN, and through refinancing will save the town $368,800 in interest.

In other matters, before a quick meeting with three Marion School Committee members, the selectmen acknowledged the sudden and unexpected passing of School Business Administrator Patrick Spencer.

“It’s a huge loss for all of us,” said Marion School Committee Chairman Christine Marcolini.

The board then appointed James Bride to the Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School Committee.

The board also appointed Theresa Cederholm to the Marion Cultural Council.

A water/sewer abatement request for 428 Front Street was tabled at the last meeting until today in order to investigate why the sewer superintendent and acting Department of Public Works superintendent had opposing recommendations. After a lengthy debate, the selectmen approved the abatement request.

After, the board continued its discussion with Jon Henry from the DPW and Fire Chief Brian Jackvony about water main pressure for fire suppression in private neighborhoods.

The next meeting of the Marion Board of Selectmen is scheduled for October 16 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Town House.

Marion Board of Selectmen

By Jean Perry

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