Self-Storage Use Gains Approval

            The Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed a plan on November 10 that would place a seven-building, 47,568 square-foot, self-storage facility on 14.93 acres on Cranberry Highway.

            Petitioner JPF Development’s technical consultant, Bill Madden of G.A.F. Engineering, said the applicant was seeking a special permit for the plan because the proposed use does not fit squarely within the uses allowed in the Industrial Zone under Rochester’s bylaw.

            The plan has the same footprint as originally approved by town boards for use as multiple-building contractor bays, Madden said. As the site is across the street from a 208-unit, residential housing project under construction on the opposite side of Cranberry Highway, JPF Development reasoned that self-storage units for those residents would be a better use.

            Along with the seven buildings would be a 20×32-foot office, Madden said. Public access will be from Cranberry Highway. A gate for emergency-vehicle access will face King’s Highway.

            Madden said the plan is a suitable site for the proposed use. “Setbacks are right,” he said. “It is isolated. It is not visible.” The office, he said, will allow someone to keep on-site control of the facility.

            Zoning Board Chairman David Arancio asked the most requests of the applicants. Arancio said he wanted to see a lighting plan. What kind? What will they look like? What will the site’s signage look like? What will the office look like at what kind of elevation?

            All of the above concerns entered into his motion, swiftly approved by the board, to continue the hearing until December 22.

            Before that vote, board member Richard Cutler asked whether there will be a secure dumpster. Madden said there would be a fence-enclosed, trash receptacle.

             A maximum of 20-feet high, though size will vary by unit, and they will be 60-feet wide and be possibly divided by a central corridor.

            Despite his questions about plan specifics, Arancio concluded, “I think this use will be a great value to the project across the street.”

            The next meeting of the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled for Thursday, December 8, at 7:15 pm at Town Hall.

Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals

By Michael J. DeCicco

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