Seabreeze Lane Restoration Plan Pending

The Mattapoisett Conservation Commission on August 24 once again met with Brandon Faneuf of Ecosystem Solutions regarding encroachment issues at properties located on Seabreeze Lane. On this evening, he was specifically representing John and Cheryl Anzaldi, 3 Seabreeze Lane, in their request for an amended order of conditions.

Anzaldi also requested permission to remove invasive species from the no-touch zone of the wetlands that has been encroaching an area that had been turned into a groomed lawn space with plantings, and he requested the installation of a post and rail fence to denote the re-established jurisdictional wetlands.

Robin Lepore, 6 Seabreeze Lane, was also present to remind the commission that there remains an unresolved issue regarding an easement through 4 Seabreeze and a small corner of 3 Seabreeze – an easement that seems no longer available to the residents of the development.

On this matter, Chairman Bob Rogers said the commission was awaiting a ruling from town counsel on how to proceed, and that he and Conservation Agent Liz Leidhold would have a conference call with town counsel the following Monday.

Regarding the Anzaldis request for an amended order of conditions, the commissioners requested that Faneuf return with a new plan of record noting such items as the placement of a fence and signage marking the re-established no touch zone, the request for invasive species eradication into perpetuity, and a request for a permit extension. The hearing was continued until September 14.

Also on the agenda was the commissioners’ finalization of an order of special conditions for the private pier scheduled for construction at 112 Aucoot Road. Included in the conditions were the use of “green-heart” pilings or a commission-approved alternative and construction synching to ensure limited disruption to the environment both on land and by water. This project has now passed through local wetlands regulations and can move forward with state level licensing and any other licensing requirements.

Mark Sweeney, 29 Beach Road, received an order of conditions for his request to have a concrete pad poured under the existing residence situated on pilings. A negative three vote was cast.

The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for September 14 at 6:30 pm in the Mattapoisett Town Hall conference room.

By Marilou Newell


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