Rochester Contemplates New Fire Station

            On January 19, the Rochester Select Board met with members of Rochester’s Public Safety Committee to discuss a wide range of topics from the need for portable generators to the need for a new fire station.

            Heading up the discussion relating to a new fire station was Chief Scott Weigel, who introduced Bruce Dillion of Dore and Whittier Architects of Newburyport. As noted by Weigel, the company is well- known and well-entrenched in the design and project management of public safety structures such as fire stations.

            Dillion gave an oral presentation outlining the type of services his company can offer Rochester. “The first step is to perform a feasibility study,” he said. That study would look at the three stations now in operation throughout the community located on Pine Street, Neck Road and Ryder Road. That study would also take into consideration current structural conditions, compliance with NFPA codes and ability to service the needs of the community. He said that a GIS expert would layer in data for run times for the existing stations.

            Dillion said that once armed with this data, the process could proceed to schematic designs for conceptual fire stations. He said another aspect of the project would be programming which would help the town consider whether operating three stations remains prudent. Once all the pertinent data is collected, modeling for cost estimating could be developed.

            When asked how long the feasibility study would take, Dillion estimated two or three months. He said the town would need to submit a public Request for Quotation given that the full preconstruction costs would exceed $30,000. He also advised the committee and board that the town will need to assemble a building committee for the proposed project, a committee with decision-making responsibilities.

            With Town Meeting scheduled for May 23, Select Board member Woody Hartley said the architect’s work would need to be completed by April. “We need to get ourselves organized to bring it before the people for their support,” he said.

            Where a new fire station would be built was briefly discussed. Select Board Chairman Brad Morse said a local property owner is ready to work with the town. “We don’t have a lot of land,” said Morse. Hartley indicated that any discussions regarding land acquisition needed to be a more public process. “Post something publicly for anyone out there … open to everyone,” he suggested.

            On December 11, 2021, the Town of Mattapoisett dedicated a new fire station at an estimated, all-inclusive cost of approximately $10,000,000.

            In an update regarding grants, Weigel reported that the Fire Department has received a $14,200 grant from the Department of Fire Services for 10 self-contained, breathing-apparatus air cylinders. He said the department has also applied for a grant in the amount of $248,000 to replace 26 Scott SCBA (self-contained, breathing apparatus) units. He said the department’s SCBA’s would become NFPA noncompliant in 2023.

            Facilities Manager Andrew Daniel suggested the purchasing of portable generators in the event a wired-in unit goes out of service. He also said that interior and exterior camaras would soon be installed at the Council on Aging building. Daniels said, given the population served by the center, falling accidents are possible. He also said security would be enhanced by external units.

            During discussions with Jilayne Mitchell of Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association (MIIA,) the need for training to help understand and avert cyberattacks is becoming increasingly important. She said that grants are available to help fund the training.

            That brought the group to the failing condition of the town’s internet server. Town Administrator Suzanne Szyndlar suggested that Rochester consider moving to a cloud-based server at a cost of $2,000 per month.

            The next joint meeting of the Select Board and the Public Safety Committee was not scheduled at adjournment.

Rochester Select Board and Public Safety Committee

By Marilou Newell

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