Recusals Don’t Delay Actions

            Toby Burr and Norm Hills both stepped away from the head table at different moments to recuse themselves from the actions of the Marion Select Board on Tuesday night at the Police Station.

            Burr, the chairman, abstained from the board’s discussion and vote to grant requests for town plowing of three private roads: Luce Avenue, Barnabus Road and Highland Road. All abutters have been notified. Luce Avenue had some potholes, but new owners of the properties are taking care of that, according to Town Administrator Geoff Gorman.

            “Whatever gets developed out there is a different discussion at a different time,” said Hills, who recused himself from the board’s decision to accept his donation of $2,427.48 for dog-bag dispensers.

            Select Board member Randy Parker called Hills’ donation “a great addition to a problem we have.”

            At the recent Special Town Meeting, the board rescinded support of and ultimately tabled a warrant article that would have asked voters to approve a regulation requiring dog walkers to carry bags when in public. The money donated by Hills will also be used for signage and support posts. The board publicly thanked Hills for his generosity.

            In other action items, the Select Board approved the change of manager at the Kittansett Club from Steve Mann to Scott Smith, who was present to note a change of officers as well. Smith said two more people were elected at the club’s annual meeting but require Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) checks.

            Elizabeth Dowd was appointed to an open seat on the Marion Scholarship Fund Committee. The 11-year schoolteacher was thanked for her volunteerism.

            The board ratified the contract with the Marion Police Brotherhood, noting that the agreement had been completed, reviewed and approved in executive session. It includes a 2% cost-of-living increase.

            The board voted to approve the Holmes Woods Stewardship Plan, a grant award from the state Department of Conservation & Recreation. The funding will support an expert bird-habitat assessment for the 14.73-acre, town-owned property that runs between Route 6 and Spring Street from the Police Station to Sippican Elementary School grounds.

            The program will include a public-information session held in the wooded area and will identify trees, trails, “what’s good and what’s bad.” The Marion Stewards of Open Space took the lead, now the town is leading the way according to Gorman, who will present to the Select Board when the plan is in place.

            Upon receiving new information, a request for a sewer abatement at 5 Moorings Road was tabled to the board’s next meeting.

            Dan Crete and Andrew Daniel were reappointed to the Department of Public Works Building Committee in what Gorman described as an administrative formality. Parker called them, “a great addition to the team” and said both added “a lot of great input.”

            Having gone through the required training, Gorman was approved for a Municipal Hearing Officer Designation that he said will only apply to fire-code violations. Gorman said that Fire Chief Brian Jackvony told him that historically, the town administrator fills that role. Parker is the other designee, but Gorman’s appointment is specifically for fire-code matters.

            A request for a $729.83 Water/Sewer abatement at 317 Converse Road was, upon the recommendation of the DPW, granted in the amount of $624.24.

            The board approved Water/Sewer commitments of $1,990.89 (final readings October 13), $2,062 (new water tap and meter October 17), $10,420 (new water and sewer service Taunton Avenue October 18), and $155 (sewer reconnection 43 Dexter Road October 19.)

            In his Town Administrator’s Report, Gorman focused on the next several weeks of public events, beginning with the Old Rochester Regional High School Unified Basketball team in its fundraising game against the Tri-Town Police scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, at 6:30 pm at the ORR gym. There will be a 50/50 raffle and T-shirts for sale. The suggested donation at the door is $5 to $10. (The Marion Select meets for its annual tax-classification public hearing at 6:00 pm but intends to keep the meeting short and support the event.)

            The Town House will close at 12:00 pm on Wednesday, November 22, and also close at 12:00 pm on two Fridays, December 22 and 29.

            The Marion Police Brotherhood is sponsoring some holiday-season events, including a dinner for Marion residents only to be held on December 2 at 12:00 pm at Cushing Community Center, the Annual Pizza with Santa from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on December 3, also at the Community Center. To RSVP by November 24, call the Council on Aging at 508-748-3570.

            Marion Police Annual “Fill a Cruiser” event will be at the Pizza with Santa event, and people can also make donations at the Police Station. Donations will be accepted through December 7.

            The Select Board will meet at 5:00 pm on December 5, followed at 6:00 pm by the town employees’ Holiday Party at Cushing Community Center. Gorman said invitations will be sent out this week with more information.

            Gorman hand delivered the Harbormaster building winning-bid award to Marion-based South Coast Improvement and said the local company is building a preconstruction team. He anticipates the contract to be signed next week, “and then we can start in earnest.”

            The COA is holding an event on November 13 at 5:00 pm to support residents dealing with loved ones suffering from dementia. The session is designed to gain community feedback, identify shortcomings and gaps in service and provide a light meal for attendees. Burr said people who cannot attend can still call the COA with information and suggestions.

            Marion will hold its Veterans Day event on Saturday, November 11, at 11:00 am at Old Landing located on Front Street. Guest speakers will be Peter O’Brien, Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant, Operations Chief, and Sean Stadig, Lieutenant Commander, H60 Engineering Officer, Air Station Cape Cod. The Sippican Elementary School Band led by Mrs. Hannah Moore will perform selections of patriotic music.

            The RSVP for the Veterans Luncheon at the Cushing Community Center has passed, but those interested can call 508-748-3570 to check on availability.

            Finally, Gorman congratulated Marion-based firefighters Dalton Lyons, Christopher Peckham and Jacob Ouellette, who were part of a graduating class from the Call/Volunteer Recruit Firefighter Training Program.

            The next meeting of the Marion Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, at 6:00 pm at the Police Station.

Marion Select Board

By Mick Colageo

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