Principal Rose Takes Bow

            The June 13 meeting of the Mattapoisett School Committee started off bittersweet, marking the end of Rose Bowman’s long and illustrious tenure as the town’s principal overseeing Center and Old Hammondtown elementary schools.

            Having gotten her start as a second-grade teacher in 1971, then in New Bedford Public Schools, Bowman first shifted into the Tri-Town area in 1986 when she started teaching preschoolers at The Music Room in Mattapoisett. But she didn’t stop there. Old Hammondtown School welcomed her as its principal in 1998, before Bowman shifting to Center School in 2008 and finally taking a joint role at both schools in 2014.

            The School Committee recognized her contributions to Mattapoisett Schools, noting her dedication and kindness. One committee member noted that calling her a hard worker was the “biggest understatement of the century.”

            Several members of the committee gave impassioned speeches reminiscing on their first interactions with Bowman, as well as the subsequent years they worked together. One fondly recalled earning the nickname “Batman and Robin” from how often the pair were seen side by side. Each declamation was met with hearty agreement and applause from the room.

            Bowman was obviously touched by the outpouring of affection, her reaction only strengthened by the revelation that there will be a mural painted in the school in her honor. The planned mural will take the form of the words “Be Kind,” a sentiment Bowman herself carried above all during her time as an educator.

            The dot over the “i” in “Be Kind” (officially referred to as a tittle) will be used to showcase students who exemplified kindness. If a student goes above and beyond in the ways of kindness, their photo will be placed in the “i” to recognize them for their efforts.

            This round of praise ended with Bowman delivering her Principal’s Report. She detailed how each year it was a pleasure to see the students in their graduation outfits, ready to move on to new challenges and great things. Finally, she ended by thanking the Mattapoisett School Committee members for their “leadership and support” during her time as principal. She stated that it was an “honor and privilege” to work with not just the committee but the Old Rochester School District Administration team and other staff, as well as families and “most of all the extraordinary students.” Bowman summed up her feelings with “my deepest thanks to all of the wonderful people with whom I have had the pleasure of sharing these years.”

            The committee reviewed the SMEC Lease for the 2022-23 school year, received an update from administration about the School Improvement plan which is moving slowly but on schedule and discussed an update to the Student Handbook that includes fees for damaged or lost electronics, as well as a $25 annual insurance plan that would negate fees for students that opt in. The committee discussed fee waivers for students and families that may need them.

            A more somber note was struck when discussing crisis plans for the schools. As each school building’s layout is different, the individual crisis plans will differ as well, being tailored to the individual schools. However, the core of the plans will follow the same protocols.

            The scheduled restructuring of the committee for the 2022-23 academic year resulted in no changes, as James Muse will continue as the committee chairperson with Carly Lavin in the vice-chair role per committee vote. Diana Russo of the ORR Central Office will continue as secretary, and she and Toni Bailey will split the duties of recording secretary.

            The Mattapoisett School Committee will not meet until the 2022-23 school year. The next meeting of the Joint School Committee will take place on Monday, June 27, at 6:30 pm in a hybrid format.

Mattapoisett School Committee

By Jack MC Staier

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