FY25 Capital Planning

            On March 4, the Mattapoisett Capital Planning Committee, chaired by Mike Dahill, presented the Select Board with the town’s FY25 plan.

            Dahill began his presentation by first stating that the biggest expense the town is facing is the upgrades project required at the Fairhaven Sewer Plant. While final cost estimates are still being calculated ($8,000,000), Dahill said that grant funding was being sought, thus bringing the town’s share a bit lower.

            Under the Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds for FY25 are sums earmarked for a new Water and Sewer headquarters building. Under the Water Enterprise, $2,100,000 plus another $900,000 from the Sewer Enterprise is planned for that construction project.

            The Waterfront Enterprise Fund will cover costs of $25,000 for a new stretcher (with another 50% coming from the Police Department.) Also, $25,000 will be allocated for docks and floats and $10,000 for a pump-out engine.

            There are 19 non-enterprise-fund, capital needs being requested. Those are: $360,000 new ambulance, ambulance stretcher $40,000, fire-helmet replacements $11,000, fire hose replacements $18,000; Highway Department Ford F250 Pick-up truck (2007) $75,000; annual road improvements $300,000, Center and Old Hammondtown schools paging servers $65,800, replacement pump for Fire Department truck $8,000, Town Hall exterior trim painting $50,000, Highway Department exhaust fan $10,000, Old Hammondtown and Center schools water-heater replacements $36,000,  library elevator upgrade $25,000, Pine Island culvert design and engineering $130,000, Center School fire doors replace and repair $26,000, Center School window-seal replacements $20,000 and Old Hammondtown School VCT flooring replacement $25,000.

            Enterprise requests total $11,060,000, and nonenterprise needs are $1,224,800.

            Dahill said the committee is awaiting Old Rochester Regional Junior and Senior high schools’ capital needs but indicated the list would be substantial.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board was not announced upon adjournment.

Mattapoisett Select Board

By Marilou Newell

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