Fairhaven Sewer Plant Upgrades

            Mattapoisett’s Special Fall Town Meeting, scheduled for Monday, November 6, will feature several capital expenditures, including $350,000 for renovation to the Highway Department and $300,000 for roadway improvements. But those sums will be eclipsed by the $8,000,000 needed for the town’s 16% share of needed upgrades to the Fairhaven sewer plant.

            During the October 10 regular meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board, Town Administrator Mike Lorenco said he anticipates about 14 articles in the warrant, which still needs to be reviewed by legal counsel.

            The Select Board moved to close the warrant and will meet again on Monday, October 16, to sign the document. That public meeting is scheduled to take place at 6:30 pm in Town Hall. Lorenco did comment that the town has received a “pretty good free cash number” from the state.

            The Select Board moved to use ARPA funds to finance a new domain controller server at $45,000 and upgrades to dispatch radio system at $100,000. Lorenco reported that there remains approximately $728,000 in available funds and that the town has until December 24 to allocate the balance. The board previously approved a $500,000 ARPA allocation to cover costs associated with the Oakland Street freshwater lines. The Finance Committee had been involved in reviewing these expenditures, it was noted.

            Lorenco also reported that work has begun on the long anticipated restoration of the Buzzards Bay Coalition property known as The Bogs. The 13,500 acres off Acushnet Road has become a favorite place to walk or enjoy other passive recreation.

            Since obtaining the former cranberry bogs, it has been the BBC’s plan to restore some 64 acres to a more natural state and then let Mother Nature take it from there. Lorenco said the area will be closed to the public possibly for “some time” but that signage will direct the public to other available trails.

            In other matters, grant applications for Community Preservation Act funding are now available at Town Hall. The deadline for submitting requests is posted on the town’s website, Mattapoisett.net. Also available on the website is information about scallop-bed openings beginning October 15.

            Before adjourning, board member Tyler Macallister made a public plea to pedestrians and cyclists that due to greater shading and dark shadows falling across roadways, motorists will have a harder time seeing people in dark clothing. He urged walkers and cyclists to wear bright clothing.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board has been scheduled for Monday, October 16, at 6:30 pm in Town Hall.

Mattapoisett Select Board

By Marilou Newell

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