Braley Hill Solar Project Drainage Back to the Drawing Board

            Rochester’s Planning Board opened a hearing for the Braley Hill Road North Star LLC. The proposed project is approximately 100-acres of which approximately 40 will be developed for a solar array. The board heard from peer-review consultant Ken Motta of Field Engineering and Eric Las of Beals and Thomas, Inc., the applicant’s representative during the April 28 meeting.

            At issue on this night were some 15-line items in two letters submitted by Motta as part of his review. Those issues dealt primary with the entrance roadway.

            Las said, “We have no objection with the peer review comments on this project.” But given that this was the only feature on the site eliciting major comments, Las thought matters could be resolved. He also acknowledged that his team was aware of abutter concerns and that those were being taken into consideration in the design.

            Las said that the conceptual design for the entrance roadway included diverting stormwater runoff into a retention basin which would in effect, he said, result in less water on the site than is currently present during rain events. “We need to work through areas of concern with (Mr. Motta). We are trying to understand the broader implications of the basin, should we stick with that approach or come up with something different.”

            Motta said, “This has to be reevaluated.” He pointed to soil mappings which seemed to be in conflict with the site conditions. “There are limitations of the soils (in terms of drainage), and the abutter’s septic are a concern… We have a workable situation, ideally reducing the run-off. That’s the way you have to approach this,” he told Las, adding that the water calculations used for the current plan needed to be revisited.

            Planning Board member Gary Florindo voiced his concern that if stormwater overtopped the basin, it would spill onto Braley Hill Road, possibly creating a hazard to motorists, especially during the winter months.

            Returning to the abutters’ septic systems, Motta reminded Las that separation might be a problem in the current design. “You may need to look further and see where water is going now,” he said.

            Las responded, “Our design would result in less water, not more.” But Motta said that test-pit data from 2005 needed to be reviewed, even though Las said that data pointed to gravely sandy loam. He said more test pits would be dug in the coming days, prompting Motta to remind him that, “…those have to be witnessed by the Board of Health.” Motta also said that groundwater levels had to be established.

            “We’ll take a look at everything,” Las confirmed.

            In other business, a continuance was requested and approved for Steen Realty and Development for a mixed-use, residential/commercial subdivision located at 22 Cranberry Highway. Rochester Town Planner Steve Starrett said that there had been discussions between legal teams for Seasons Market, located at the intersection of Routes 28 and 58, and Steen, reporting, “Things are moving along.”

            The next remote meeting of the Rochester Planning Board is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, at 7:00 pm.

Rochester Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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