BOH Against Mask Mandate, Selects New Agent

            Mattapoisett’s Board of Health voted to offer the open position of Board of Health agent to Gail Joseph, currently employed as an inspector with the City of New Bedford Health Department. Chairman Carmelo Nicolosi said, “She stands out,” compared to other applicants’ qualifications. He said that Joseph has six years working in New Bedford and comes with “very strong credentials.”

            The board unanimously voted to offer Joseph the Mattapoisett Board of Health agent position for a salary of $70,000 with the option of starting immediately if available to do so. The BOH has been without a health agent since May 14 when former agent Kayla Davis left to take a job in Middleboro.

            The board also elected to offer a transfer station position to Acushnet resident Kevin Murray, who sought the part-time position after retiring from his full-time career.

            Unaware that on that very day the Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55 would announce implementation of the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) mask mandate October 1, Public Health Nurse Emily Field urged the Mattapoisett Board of Health to consider updating masking requirements.

            “The [Delta] variant is much more transmissible,” Field told the BOH members. She said that more vaccinations in younger people would help but that many have stopped wearing masks and distancing, which was concerning. “We need to watch out for the vulnerable in the community,” Field stated. “Everyone’s actions impact transmission; masks are the least intrusive, most effective way to control spread. It’s a small price to pay.”

            But board members Ken Dawicki and Russell Bailey were not in favor of implementing masking in all indoor public spaces. Dawicki went even further, saying, “I will not recommend masks in schools.” He said he feels that children are being negatively impacted by wearing masks.

            Field disagreed. “If there is a big outbreak in school, they’ll be isolated at home,” a circumstance she believes would be more detrimental to children. “Of bigger concern is the closing down of classrooms. Kids are accustomed to masking now; keeping kids at home creates greater disruption.”

            Dawiki countered, “Leave it up to the parents.”

            Bailey wanted to know how many children have died from the Delta variant. Field said she didn’t have such data but added passionately, “You’re not supposed to wait for death to put measures in place; one is too many.”

            Field said that there were 14 active COVID-19 cases in Mattapoisett, a number she described as high based on population.

            In other business, the board moved to send an Enforcement Letter to the property owners of 11.5 Industrial Drive for a failed septic system. Nicolosi said he had been contacted about “raw sewage bubbling up to the top.” There was some confusion over who the current property owner is, but Nicolosi said he would work that out with Town Hall. He did note that, apparently, the effluent release had been going on for some time and, given the costs associated with installing a new system are high, he anticipated some pushback. In the meantime, the owners would be notified, and fines established with the advice of legal counsel, Nicolosi stated.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Board of Health is scheduled for Thursday, September 23, at 10:00 am.

Mattapoisett Board of Health

By Marilou Newell

2 Responses to “BOH Against Mask Mandate, Selects New Agent”

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  1. Mark Foltz says:

    It is outrageous that any member of town government would have so little regard for children as to deny a mask mandate in the midst of the pandemic. So what next? Allowing parents to decide if their children will engage in drunk driving?

  2. Debra Ramos says:

    The 2 board members who are “anti-masks” have NO business being on the BOH. It’s very obvious they lack any general knowledge of basic infection control. Perhaps board members should have a medical educations since it is well documented that masks greatly reduce infections.
    I never thought I would live in a town with such disregard of the welfare of our most vulnerable population.
    They should both resign.

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