Why Are We Here

What is our purpose in life?

Maybe we are here to show God’s love to one another.

And to learn unconditional love.

Maybe we are here to love and nurture our families,

to care for and support them …

to teach them and to learn from them.

And to share their joys and sorrows.

Maybe we are here to learn to rise above

our pain and our illnesses …

to bravely face life with courage and fortitude.

Maybe we are here to learn to appreciate God’s wondrous creation

in all its glorious forms

for all living creatures.

Maybe we are here to be a friend to all …

to learn to forgive and ask forgiveness

to feel joy and laughter

and enjoy all that life has to offer.

            Editor’s Note: Hope Bradley Finley passed away on January 13 at age 95. The Mattapoisett resident was thrilled to have The Wanderer publish her poems and essays, something we will continue to do this winter.

By Hope Bradley Finley

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