Marion Historic District Study Committee

The Marion Select Board recently approved the request of the Marion Historical Commission to appoint a seven-member Local Historic District Study Committee to explore the possibilities of establishing a local historic district in the Marion Village area.

            This process is based on the Massachusetts Historical Commission’s provisions under MA General Laws, Ch. 40C. It will begin with public informational meetings about historic districts and why they are considered the national standard for protecting historic areas. There will be much opportunity for public input through meetings and resident surveys in order to develop a plan that considers all facets of concern in the community. Generally, it takes at least one year to complete the process.

            The first step in appointing the Study Committee is to review volunteer applicants and nominations from the AIA, MA Board of Realtors and Sippican Historical Society. Other fields of expertise that would benefit the committee include contractors, historians, architects, village property owners.

            Local residents interested in serving may complete a Volunteer Application online or by printing it out and submitting it to the Select Board. The form is available on the website: Deadline for submission will be December 10, 2022.

            Questions or additional information should be addressed to Meg Steinberg, Chair, Marion Historical Commission, through the Historical Commission webpage:

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