Marion Community Preservation Committee

Applications for Community Preservation Act funding are now available in the Town Clerks office at the Marion Town House located at 2 Spring Street, Marion. The Community Preservation Act is a Massachusetts Law that allows participating cities and towns to adopt a real estate tax surcharge, supplemented by State matching funds, in order to fund community preservation. Eligible projects must be directed towards: open space/recreation, historic preservation, or community housing. Applications must be received no later than February 11, 2019 to be considered for presentation at the May 2019 Annual Town Meeting.

Past Community Preservation funds have been used to:

-Design of an accessible boardwalk and viewing platform at Osprey Marsh.

-Secure nine affordable housing units having affordable housing deed restrictions for ninety-nine (99) years.

-Replace fencing at the Point Road Playground and Washburn Park.

-Design and secure permits for Phase I of the Marion Pathway (bike path).

-Install playground equipment at Washburn Park, the Point Road playground, and Silvershell Beach.

-Protect Marion’s drinking water supply through the purchase of lands and conservation interests in the Mattapoisett River Valley.

-Preserve the Marion Arts Center through the replacement of windows and exterior trim.

-Catalogue the Sippican Historical Society’s archives and complete the town’s architectural survey.

-Restore Marion’s historic 1937 Maxim fire truck.

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