Friends of Ned’s Point Lighthouse

restoration and preservation of Ned’s Point Lighthouse in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts. This will be accomplished through fundraisers and the sale of lighthouse-related gifts, educational materials, and clothing promoting educational awareness, volunteerism, and membership benefits.

            The Board of Directors is directly involved with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary’s Flotilla 63, who through a merger with USCG AUX Flotilla 67, has adopted Ned’s Point Lighthouse. It is Flotilla 63’s responsibility to ensure that all restoration and preservation efforts are carried out in accordance with the standards set forth and approved by the United States Coast Guard.

            Help us restore the most cherished icon of the SouthCoast of Massachusetts located in Mattapoisett.

            Visit our Website at

            Donations can also be sent to “Friends of Ned’s Point Lighthouse”, P.O. Box 537, Mattapoisett, MA 02739.

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