Greetings from Plumb Library. Welcome to BookRemarks, a monthly feature focusing on all things library related.
Over 3 billion packages are shipped each year in the U.S. between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Those packages contain all manner of things from art supplies to zoo keeper uniforms, a hand-knit scarf from your Grandma, a perk from your credit card company, pantry staples, a surprise from someone far away, and books, so many books. Boxes of all shapes and sizes arrive at the Library weekly, full of books, magazines, DVDs and library supplies.
The collection of Plumb Library numbers around 30,000 items, which is pretty amazing in our tiny building. How do all those books make it onto the shelves at your Library? It starts with our director, Kristen, who reads professional reviews on books of all types for kids and adults. She considers what’s popular based on authors and subject matter, as well as any titles that have been specifically requested by staff or patrons. An order is built in an online system with companies that deal exclusively with library book orders, which once submitted, is picked and packaged and shipped off to us. New releases, favorite authors, replacements for damaged items, large print selections and DVDs are all boxed up and sent to the Library. Magazines, which come from a subscription service, arrive by USPS. From there, they are unpacked, cataloged, covered and set out on the shelves for our patrons to enjoy, or they are sent off to other libraries to fill hold requests. Digital eBook orders are filled almost immediately, with new titles appearing in the Libby app within 24 hours of purchase.
Is there something you’d like to see added to the collection or donated in memory of someone? Let us know. While not every requested title can be purchased, we are happy to review requests.
As always, your Library Staff, Kristen, Jen and Lisa are here to help you find what you need. Feel free to call (508-763-8600) or email us ( with any questions. Better yet, come by and say hello.