Auditions at the MAC

The Marion Art Center (the MAC) Theater announces open auditions for the June production of The Minotaur, written by Anna Ziegler and directed by Kate Sorensen-Young. A present-day version of a classic Greek myth, The Minotaur is a contemporary take on love, honor and human connection. With refreshing originality and wit, it explores how we break out of history in order to shape new stories for ourselves.

            Auditions will be held in the MAC’s Anne Braitmayer Webb Theater at 80 Pleasant Street in Marion on Sunday, February 4 and Monday, February 5, 6:30-8:30 pm. A total of nine performance dates are scheduled: June 7-9, 14-16, and 21-23, 2024. Some dates may be subject to change. Friday and Saturday evening shows begin at 7:30pm and Sunday matinees begin at 2:00 pm with actors expected to arrive by 6 pm and 12:30 pm, respectively. The director will also be seeking a stage manager for the production.

            All races, ages, colors, sizes, genders, gender-identities and experience levels welcome. Casting is at the discretion of the director and depending on the final ensemble. Auditions will be from the script; sides will be made available for review in advance of auditions for actors upon request. Actors are advised to wear clothes they feel comfortable moving in. For contact information and to view the announcement online, visit

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