A Gift Meant to Be Shared

Hope is a vision of better things to come,

A wish that all will be well,

A dream of the heart’s desire fulfilled.

Hope is a light at the end of a tunnel,

Encouraging us to bravely press forward,

Leading us ever onward toward our goal.

Hope is a lighthouse on a lonely shore,

Lighting our way on the blackest night,

A lifeboat on a storm-tossed sea.

Hope is a gift from our loving Father,

A grace from God to give us strength,

A blessing to lift our spirit when all seems lost.

Hope is a gift we may give to others,

As they struggle to find their way,

A helping hand to a weary traveler.

Hope is our strength and our dauntless courage,

Our own spark of Divine power,

Our vision of better things to come.

By Hope Bradley Finley

            Editor’s Note: Hope Bradley Finley is a 95-year-old Mattapoisett resident who, despite the loss of eyesight and hearing, has continued in her pastime of writing poems and essays. The Wanderer is happy to share them with our readers.

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