Sophia Wears Blue Ribbon

Sharon Doyon and Susan Perkins brought home a blue ribbon when they entered the esteemed Newport Flower Show June 23-25, this year held at the Marble House mansion.

            The gardeners are members of the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club gardening committee and had participated in the coveted event once before, but imagine their surprise and delight when, upon arriving at the venue to collect their Italian-inspired submission, a blue ribbon adorned the creation.

            Doyon explained that they had entered the piece in the horticulture category. They had to select a country to imagine with the use of plants. The team wanted to evoke the dry yet coastal climate, the look and feel of the southern Italian coast where palm trees, cactus and succulents grace ancient rock features and stucco buildings.

            All the elements of their creation needed to reflect the theme. To make the vessel holding the plants thematic, they texturized an old pot to emulate stucco walls. Holes were drilled in several places along the surface of the pot to allow for plantings to emerge. The plant specimens and creative design required building the piece from the bottom up.

            Perkins shared that the creative process is the part she enjoyed the most. She, as well as her partner, both have green thumbs but moreover enjoy collaborating with one another, inspiring one another throughout the building phase.

            Perkins said some of the plants used were from her gardens, where they were lovingly nurtured. She said they began thinking about their submission in March. The finished work of horticultural excellence weighed some 60 pounds and stood 31 inches high.

            Traveling from Mattapoisett to Newport, moving the heavy yet delicate submission was no small feat for the gardeners. But love conquers all, and they love Sophia. Yes, the blue-ribbon winner was named Sophia in keeping with her Italian theme. Neither wanted to simply walk away after installing Sophia on her platform. “It was like leaving a child behind,” Doyon chuckled.

            But wait, there’s more!

            Sophia, or should we say Perkins and Doyon, also received a second award ribbon, the judges’ commendation for excellence. Well done Senoras Giardiniere!

By Marilou Newell

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