RCF Shines Despite Rainy Start

It rained on Friday, August 18, the first day of the 2017 Rochester Country Fair. Many who turned out – those diehard contenders in the woodsmen competition, the scattered audience members in ponchos, Miss Plymouth County with her umbrella, and especially the food vendors who, despite the heavy downpours, still filled the air (sadly devoid of tractor diesel smoke) with mouthwatering smells of fried and grilled fair foods – were optimistic that the clouds would pass and let up. But they didn’t, and Friday at the Rochester Country Fair was a washout.

Yup, agreed Rochester Country Fair Committee Co-Chair Julie Koczera, the weather was a drag. But, “Even with a rainy Friday, those who did visit were prepared to get a ‘little’ wet and enjoy the events we had planned,” she said. And those tractor enthusiasts, even they got the show on the proverbial road (very, very muddy road), although the shows started a tad later than usual.

“Basically,” said Koczera, “if you visited the fair on Friday night, your expectations were nothing short of getting soaked, you made the best of it, had fun and enjoyed the band and good company.”

As Selectman Greenwood Hartley pointed out, the fair was “packed” on Sunday in particular, and the two remaining days of the fair, including the parade honoring the American farmer, which made its return this year after a year’s hiatus, were quite successful.

“We were happy with the attendance and support of those who visited and supported the fair this weekend,” said Koczera.

Selectman Naida Parker said she especially enjoyed the Saturday night wrestling featuring Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School Superintendent Aaron Polansky as a guest wrestler. On Monday she commented, “Mr. Polansky wrestled in college, and his father was a coach for the wrestling team for the Olympics.”

“He’s not a big man, but he made Rochester proud,” Parker said.

Selectmen Chairman Brad Morse commended the Rochester Country Fair Committee on another great year.

“They did an awesome job,” Morse said. “It was a great community event.”

The Rochester Police Department didn’t receive a single complaint from the RCF and not one call for trouble.

Friday’s washout was in no way a lingering lament for the Rochester Country Fair Committee, participants, or guests.

“The weather the rest of the weekend did not disappoint,” said Koczera.

And neither did you, Julie.

The Wanderer thanks the RCF Committee for its unending dedication towards making 2017 yet another successful year and for continuing the Rochester Country Fair tradition.

By Jean Perry


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