Friendly Competition between Students and Staff

The annual sixth graders versus staff basketball game at Rochester Memorial School on Friday night was a close one, but the teachers remain undefeated.

The night’s referees were Butch Lepage and retired sixth-grade teacher Danni Kleiman.

Everyone rose when the RMS band, led by Chris Williamson, played the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the end of the first 24-minute period, the score was 30 to 20 with the teachers in the lead.

Students Mandy Menard and Kiaya Savaria gave a brief Student Council update to the crowd before the second 24-minute period began.

The sixth graders were able to tie the score and even gain a small lead, but it was brief. In the end, the teachers won, 60 to 56.

However, there were only smiles and cheers, no matter who scored and no matter who won. (Apparently, every year the fifth-graders half hope that the teachers will win, so their class can be the one to beat them the next year.)

The annual basketball game is one of several yearly fundraisers organized by the Student Council for the Nurse Thayer Memorial Scholarship, which is awarded to a graduating senior from RMS who is entering the field of medicine.

By Deina Zartman

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