Deer Strikes By Vehicles Increasing in Rochester

Rochester is abundant in wildlife, and it seems as though wild animal sightings are just about as commonplace as Rochester resident sightings. One can usually spot either a deer or two grazing across some field or a family of wild turkeys passing through a neighbor’s yard or perhaps crossing the road in front of your car.

These animal sightings can be thrilling or, if you are a resident in Rochester, maybe just another regular part of the bucolic setting of Rochester. A growing concern in town, however, is a seemingly increasing trend of vehicle collisions with deer on those dimly lit roads of Rochester.

Rochester Police Chief Paul Magee said he would let the statistics speak for themselves. In 2014, there were 15 car accidents involving deer. In 2015, the number increased by five to 20. This year, so far, there have been nine vehicle accidents involving deer, but now begins the peak time for deer collisions: mating season.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety says that in November, deer collisions are nearly three times higher than the rest of the year. During deer rut season, bucks are pumped with testosterone and have only one thing on their mind – chasing does while pretty much ignoring the environment around them. (And who would know more about car collisions with deer than the car insurance industry?)

“There certainly has been some increase in the deer population,” said Chief Magee. “Most notably, this is mating season for the deer so it’s when they move around and they forget it.” He said many people falsely believe that deer collisions happen because this is hunting season and they are running away trying not to be hunted. “But this is not the case,” Magee said.

According to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, deer are what is called “crepuscular” – meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk, especially during breeding season.

Although a collision with a deer is often fatal for the animal, car collisions can also injure the people inside the vehicle.

“The other thing to think about is also the safety of the passengers,” said Rochester Facilities Director Andrew Daniel. “A collision with a deer can do horrific damage to the vehicle and also its passengers.”

The Insurance Information Institute offers some tips for avoiding an impact with a deer.

Be especially attentive while driving from sunset to midnight and during the early morning hours before and after sunrise, the two highest risk times of day for deer-vehicle collisions.

Recognizing that Rochester is a rural setting with a high deer population and darkly lit streets, drive with caution, keep speeds low, and use your high beams when not passing oncoming traffic – the light will better illuminate the eyes of deer near or in the roadway.

Slow down for a deer in or near the road and give one long blast on your horn to frighten it away.

You should brake for a deer in your path, but never swerve, and stay in your lane to avoid a secondary collision with another vehicle or loss of control of your vehicle.

Of course, always wear your seatbelt.

If you do strike a deer, pull your car over to the side of the road, call police for assistance, and do not attempt to touch it. An injured, frightened deer, while also risking further injury to the animal, could also injure you.

“I consider myself so very fortunate to live in the country and grew up in Rochester,” said Daniel. “We must learn to live with nature. People need to realize in this area, we have large populations of wildlife be it turkeys or deer.”

By Jean Perry


One Response to “Deer Strikes By Vehicles Increasing in Rochester”

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  1. Nick Rollins says:

    Mass Environmental Police not as professional as you guys, can your ENCON people divide shifts to go off and on the clock to randomly work details? Please see below- never heard of this before ever in any police agency

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