Costa Rican Exchange Student Enjoys Snowfall

Ailina Cervantes Diaz of Costa Rica, an exchange student at Old Rochester Regional High School, enjoyed her first snowfall this past week. “I threw a couple of snowballs, and it was really fun,” said Diaz as she spoke during an American Field Service (AFS) presentation at Wednesday’s ORR District School Committee meeting.

Diaz, along with Louisa Truss of Hannover, Germany, showed a video they made about the exchange program and spoke with school committee members about their experiences this school year.

“It’s really good. I’ve been here four months now and really like it,” said Truss. Truss is on the field hockey team and also runs track. “I’ve made many new friends,” she said.

Truss lives with the Hayden family and shares a bedroom with Kylie Hayden. The family also has a seven year old and a two year old. “My family is so nice and wonderful,” said Truss.

Board member Charles Motta asked the students if they planned to return to the United States and attend college. Diaz said that she has already visited the University of Rhode Island and is ‘doing her best’ to get into college here in the U.S. Diaz hopes to become a veterinarian. She lives with the Henshaw family who owns a farm in Mattapoisett. Diaz is a senior and plays soccer. “That’s my sport,” said Diaz, who told the board that after throwing a few snowballs, she couldn’t feel her fingers anymore.

Kim Corazzini, also known as Nurse Kim, is the AFS Advisor and meets regularly with visiting students. She has been the advisor of the club for over eight years. The club is very active and holds car washes, sells pies, and hosts an international dinner with AFS students from nearby high schools. Exchange students also volunteer at the Manjiro Festival in Fairhaven and other cultural events.

By Joan Hartnett-Barry


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