Sippican Woman’s Club

Sippican Woman’s Club members and guests are headed to New Bedford. Join us for lunch, meeting and tour of the New Bedford Glass Museum at The Wamsutta Club, 427 County Street, New Bedford on Friday, November 10.  Lunch served at 11:30 am. During dessert, a business meeting will be held, followed by tour at 1:00 pm.  Kirk Nelson, President and Director of the Museum will lead us on a tour and explain the technology of working glass.  During the Victorian Era, New Bedford was renowned as the “Art Glass Headquarters of the Country.” The Museum houses over 7,000 examples of glass. You’ll have an opportunity to survey the history of glass from ancient times to the present. $30 for lunch, guests $7 for tour. Lunch reservations required. Contact Lorraine Charest at 508-763-2842 or Email

            The Sippican Woman’s Club meets once a month during the months of September through March on the second Friday of the month. On Saturday, December 9 from 10 am to 3 pm, the club, along with participating homeowners, will hold its traditional 33rd Holiday House Tour. Tour plans are underway with the guidance of Carolyn Kenney VP, Fundraising. We welcome visitors to our meetings. Club membership is open to any woman who is able to meet the membership criteria and whose interests include the Town of Marion. For further information, please visit our website:

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