Sippican Woman’s Club

On Friday, September 8, Sheryl Faye will masterfully bring to life the incredible and inspirational Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the meeting of the Sippican Woman’s Club at its clubhouse aka “The Tavern”, 152 Front Street, Marion at 12:30 pm. Since 2003 Sheryl Faye has developed over ten programs on individual historical women whose influence continues to inspire women today. The program is preceded by a luncheon, an opportunity to socialize and a brief business meeting. Sheryl’s program will begin at 1:30 pm.

            During her lifetime Ruth Bader Ginsburg or RBG as she was known, out performed most men as a student, lawyer, jurist and was the second woman appointed to the Supreme Court. She advocated tirelessly to dismantle gender discrimination and advance women’s rights in US policies.

            Guests and visitors are welcome to attend our meetings. Club membership is open to anyone whose interests are in the Town of Marion and is willing to fulfill membership requirements. With the exception of December, monthly meetings are normally held at 12:30 pm at our clubhouse on the 2nd Friday of the month – September through March. The annual fundraiser, the Holiday House Tour is held on the 2nd Saturday in December. This year the tour will be held Saturday, December 9. For additional information, please refer to our new website

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